Thursday, October 31, 2019
Today in class, we watched the rest of the population pyramid video. We took the rest of the notes and then we watched another video about the population and how and why it grew over the years. We took notes on it and learned that since the 1800's, our population has grown majorly and the amount of people who are wealthy has also increased. A major factor in why our population has increased is because of new technology such as medicines and such. Our hospitals have much more technology devices that have increased the life expectancy rate of many nations and hospitals. Since it was halloween, Mr. Schick put on a video from an old show which I didn't understand.
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Population Pyramid
Today in class, we finished talking about our tests that we got back and now I know why I got the questions wrong on the definition page. Mr. Schick tricked us like he did on the last test. He. had the same definition twice but just changed the wording. The questions I got wrong I understand why I got them wrong now. We also talked about the population pyramid and why they are shaped the way they are. When the population of infants is high, it means that the population will increase but when the population of older people is high, then the population will decrease.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Tests back
Today in class, we got our tests back. I didn't do too bad but I wish I had done better even though I had studies for over an hour. I realize the silly mistakes I made and I understand why I got what I got wrong. Now I can hopefully bring my grade up just one more percent with these blogs because I have a 79.17 in the class and I need an 80 to have a B. hopefully these blogs will push my grade up enough to were I can have a B in this class. I got one question wrong on the test because I didn't know where to find the answer on the website. it only cost me -1 point but it still determined my grade. Hopefully next quarter I can do even better on all the tests I take and I can feel more comfortable with the unit.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Test day
Today in class, we took a test. I studies for an hour last night. I felt confident on most of my answers but a few were a little shaky. I completely messed up on the easiest math problem on the test. I was off by .2 and now it will haunt me forever. the overall test wasn't bad so hopefully I don't do too bad. I can hopefully make a B in this class for our report cards. The bonus questions were the hardest because I didn't remember the specific numbers while studying. I also took a math test, in which most people said was hard including me hopefully that doesn't mean I did bad. I'm not very good at tests because I get stressed out right before and second guess everything I've learned. Now I have to wait to see what I got on the test. Hopefully not too bad.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Test tomorrow
Today in class, we talked about our test we are having tomorrow. We went through the population and settlement powerpoint. We talked about the key points that will be on the test tomorrow. Now I know that their will be questions about developed and developing countries, ill have to match terms with definitions, ill need to know the formula for net immigration rate and rate of natural increase, and Ill need to know about push and pull factors of different countries. I also now know that the test will be about 30 questions. Tonight I wont have much time to study but with the time I do have, ill study as much as I can. I also have a math test tomorrow that I'll need to study for which means I need to organize my time. Hopefully I will do good on my test tomorrow and I will bring my grade up.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Today in class, we talked about last nights blog post and what we had to do from the website. We went question by question in class and we talked thoroughly about each answer and what it meant. Some of the questions were surprising about some of the countries. Russia is a huge country and an extremely small amount of airports considering we are such a small country and have over 13,000 airports. Some other questions that surprised me were that over 1.2 billion people in the world have electricity. This means that a large percentage of our world do not have access to what we have now. It also makes you think because walking into class I had thought that the United States was the best country in the world. We aren't in the top 10 for many things that we should be. It makes you. wonder whether the country we are living in is the best to live in. The rest of class we talked about the rest of the questions and its sad to see how many other countries aren't like the U.S.
Monday, October 21, 2019
CIA work
- What is the population of China, and of India?The population of China is 1,384,688,986
- What is the Total Fertility Rate in Japan?The total fertility rate in Japan is 1.42 children/woman.
- What is the death rate in El Salvador?The death rate is 5.8 deaths/ 1000 population.
- What percentage of the French identify “none” as their religion? Is this statistic verifiable, and why?The percentage of French that identify as none is 23-28%. This isn't very verifiable. because. there is a law that prohibits collecting religious data since 1872.
- What percentage of Mexicans identify themselves as Roman Catholic?
- What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in the United States?The most recent GDP - per capita in the United States is $59,800.
- What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Nigeria?The most recent GDP - per capita in Nigeria is $5,900.
- What is the GDP - per capita (PPP) in Luxembourg?The most recent GDP- per capita in Luxembourg is $105,100.
- What percentage of the United States’ population are Internet users?The percentage of internet users in the United States is 76.2%.
- What is the number of airports in Russia, and in the United States?Th number of airports in Russia is 1,218. The number of airports in the United States is 13,518
- How many people in the world do not have electricity?There are 1.201 billion in the world who don't have electricity.
- What is the Infant Mortality Rate in Canada, Cuba, and the United States?The infant mortality rate in Canada is 4.5/1,000 births, 4.4/1,000 births in Cuba, and 5.7/1,000 in the United States.
- What is the literacy rate - total, for men, and for women - in Afghanistan?The literacy rate in Afghanistan for all is 38.2%, for men is 52%, and for women is 24.2%.
- What three countries have the highest life expectancy?Monaco, Japan, and Singapore have. the highest life expectancy.
- What three countries have the lowest life expectancy?Lesotho, Zambia, and Afghanistan have the lowest life expectancy.
- What nation has the sixteenth highest Net Migration Rate?
The Isle of man nation has the sixteenth highest net migration rate. - What is the unemployment rate in Vietnam, South Korea, the United States, India and Kenya?
In Vietnam, the unemployment rate is 7.3%, in South Korea its 10.4%, in the United States its 8.6%, in India its 10.1%, and in Kenya its 40%. - Military Expenditures are listed by the percentage of each nation's GDP spent on defense.
What percentage is spent by Germany, China, and the United States?
1.24% is spent for Germany, 1.87% is spent for China, and 3.16% is spent for the United States.
1.24% is spent for Germany, 1.87% is spent for China, and 3.16% is spent for the United States.
19. What three countries produce the most crude oil, and how much do they produce?
The United States produces 10,962,000 BBL/day. Russia produces 10,759,000 BBL/day. Saudi Arabia produces 10,425,000 BBL/day.
20. What three countries import the most crude oil, and how much do they import?
The United States produces 7,969,000 Bbl/day. China produces 6,710,000 BBL/day. India produces 4,057,000 BBL/day.
The United States produces 7,969,000 Bbl/day. China produces 6,710,000 BBL/day. India produces 4,057,000 BBL/day.
21. What percentage of the world’s people speak Spanish? Chinese? English?
5.85% of the world speaks Spanish, 20% speak Chinese, and 20% speak English.
5.85% of the world speaks Spanish, 20% speak Chinese, and 20% speak English.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Not in class
Today, I was not in class. I came in late but according to the blog, we have a test next Friday on population and settlement. Ill need to finish my notes and study those so I can prepare for out test.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
life expectancy
Today in class, we got new seats. I now sit in the front of the room which I don't mind because maybe ill want to engage in conversation more. I can also see the board a lot better since last time I was sitting in the back of the room. Next in class, we talked about life expectancy. Its crazy to think that we are number 49 for the life expectancy. I would think we are much higher than that considering the technology in the United States. It's also crazy to think that our population is increasing and never decreasing. It makes you think that soon our world will be overpopulated and we won't have the resources needed for humans and the earth wouldn't be able to sustain people.
Friday, October 11, 2019
New unit
Today in class, we started a new unit about population and settlement. Some of the terms we're going to have to know are life expectancy, birth rate, death rate, immigrant, and emigrant. today we talked about how 7.6 billion people are on the earth right now. Our earth increases by 200,000 per day, 8377 per hour, 149 per minute, and 2.5 per second. We also talked about the population clock. It's crazy to think how fast our population is increasing our population has a constant rate at which it increases. When you think about it, its a bad thing because it will lead to overpopulation which will create a decrease and resources and eventually cause major problems in the near future.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Getting our tests back
Today in class, we got our tests back. Im not very happy with my grade but now I know why I got the grade I got. I made small mistakes which impacted my grade hugely. Also when we had to figure out the relative and absolute location of places I was confused at why I got the one wrong with the specific degrees. When we went over it, I realized that there isn't more degrees than 90. I got that wrong because it was more of a trick question. The test was harder than the last one of course because the first test was just an entry test to high school so it wasn't too difficult. Now I know how our future tests will be planned out and how they will be organized. Now that the two questions are being curved hopefully my grade will go up by a little and. will improve my grade in the class.
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Earth test
Today in class, we took a test. I didn't feel completely comfortable with it but I don't think I did too bad. I know of a few questions I got wrong so hopefully my grade isn't too low. On the UTC question, I thought that Mr. Schick was trying to trick me but obviously not after I looked up the answer. Also, I was a little confused on the time it was in California while it was whatever time in Maryland. I didn't study the different time zones for the different zones of our country. Hopefully, I can at least get a B on the test which will keep my grade close to where it is. Now I have a Spanish quiz and I just finished taking a math and English quiz/test. The test wasn't too long and It wasn't too time consuming. It had a good amount of questions and the things I studied were mostly on it. I wished I studied some things more than others now that I know what is on the test. More specific, I wish I worked on studying the specific time zones of our country and the different names of the certain symbolic names.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Test tomorrow
Today in class, we finished out debate on time zones. I still believe that time zones should be maintained because it would keep our world simple. Changing them would make our world so much harder because we would have to change and adapt to the new system. many companies would be in complete chaos because they would have to get used to a new schedule for meetings, departures, and arrivals of things. Also we took a pop quiz. I did not do a very good job, but it gave me an idea of what I should be working on studying tonight and what I should be looking over. I am going to look over the powerpoint and my notes that we took this pas unit. I have to make a good grade so I can try to make an A in this class. Lastly we talked about psat's which im not too excited about.
Friday, October 4, 2019
Keep The Time zones
Today in class, we began our debate of whether time zones should be maintained or abolished. I stayed with my former claim. I think time zones should stay the same because if we change them now, then it would completely mess up our world today. We are already used to the time zones the way they are, why should we change them now. Changing them would cause much chaos because people would be scrambling to stay on time and adapt to the new system. We should be focusing on things that are more prominent in the world such as climate change, pollution, race, gender equality, and poverty. We have so much more things to solve before we can think about making a major change to the whole world we have today.
Wednesday, October 2, 2019
Maintaining Time zones
Today in class we were told that we will be doing a debate about either maintaining or demolishing the current time zones. I think we should maintain the time zones. People are already used to our current time zone and if we changed now, it would be like learning a whole new way of time. Some notes I took were:
- Time calculation became a serious problem for people travelling by train
- Every city in the United States used a different standard time, so there were more than 300 local sun-times to choose from
- Operators of the new railroad lines needed a new time plan that would offer a uniform train schedule for departures and arrivals
Tuesday, October 1, 2019
Map Quiz
Today in class, we took a quiz on Central and South America. Last night I studied for more than an hour learning the countries. I used the games that Mr. Schick provided and they really helped because I kept playing it over and over. Then, I learned acronyms to remember the countries names and I used them on the test. I felt very confident in my answers today and I felt I did good. I managed to make a 100% on the quiz which boosted my grade up almost 5 points. Now I am closer to having an A in the class. Lastly, in class we talked about time zones. We were introduced to a map with different colored sections that defined which parts of countries had the different time zones. It's crazy to think that there are so many different time zones when we could just possibly have one single time zone for everyone. Our world would seem much more simple but having different time zones helps us understand day and night better in different places.
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