Monday, November 25, 2019
Religion Quiz
Today in class, we. took the religion quiz. I studied for a good amount of time but I still felt like was pretty hard. In order to make a good grade I should've looked closer at the minor details in my notes and looked at the things that I didn't think were very important. It helped that it was multiple choice but I still felt that even though you had choices, it still required thinking going into the questions. Now, hopefully it won't bring my grade down too much because I'm trying to get an A in this class. Now that the quiz is over, I can relax throughout my day since this was my only quiz and now we have lunch which is nice. We have one more day until thanksgiving break which means we will be off for 5 days this weekend instead of two.
Friday, November 22, 2019
More religion
Today in class, we finished talking about the five major religions. We did a quizlet that sam made for the class and we went over the questions that are gonna be on the quiz. Then, since we finished early, we talked about Mr. Schicks career in film making. Mr. Schick helped on set for home alone and he worked with the main actor on the movie. He even made a valentine for Mr. Schick. Next week ill take my quiz on religions on Monday. I'm going to study this weekend with the quizlet and also use my notes and powerpoint. Hopefully I will do good on this quiz because apparently its supposed to be easy and it we should be able to make a good grade for the quiz.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Today in class, we talked about the 5 major religions which are christianity, islam, hinduism, buddhism, and judaism. I learned that christianity is the biggest religion with 2.2 billion adherents and Judaism being the smallest with 14-18 million adherents. I also learned that many of the religions we leaned about have some similarities in them with christianity and the religion we follow. Two religions follow the same book, the torah. I also learned the religion, hinduism does not have a specified founder. Hinduism is more of a series of thoughts rather than a set of beliefs. we are going to have a quiz on these subjects on Monday of next week, before we leave for thanksgiving break. we will take the quiz and hopefully ill do good on this so I can bring my grade up in class a little.
Monday, November 18, 2019 test
Today in class, we took a test regarding population pyramids,, and information relating to our world such as the population and certain, particular facts about different countries. I felt comfortable with most of my answers since I studied for a little amount of time. The questions I didn't feel comfortable with were the ones such as naming a specific country to a population pyramid or naming a specific countries crude death rate, crude birth rate, net migration rate, or total fertility rate. Most of the questions were easy like the population of the world or what pre-reproduction, reproduction, and post reproduction was. One question I thought was fairly hard was figuring out what country had the population pyramid with a wide bottom and a skinny thin top. I made sure I went over those questions since again to make sure I wasn't skipping over the obvious answer like when it said a population of 300,000,000 I thought it was Nigeria but then I realized that there United States was at 300,000,000.
Friday, November 15, 2019
ted talk
Today in class, we rewatched the ted talk video about population pyramids in preparation for our test on Monday. This weekend I'm going to study my notes I took on population pyramids and Today, we also watched an. episode of jeopardy because one of the questions on the episode was relating to developed, underveloped, and pre developed nations. We went over some questions that would be on the test and went over what we should have notes on from class and which notes are important to look over and study this weekend. Hopefully I can do good not his test so I can keep my grade at an A for the quarter.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Last Presentation
Today in class, we listened to the last presentation in class for the countries. This group picked Tanzania and Italy. They said that Italy was almost fully developed and Tanzania was still developing. Then we looked at pictures of Tanzania, and though they had pictures of huts and poverty in their community but then we looked at the cities they have. The city was developing fairly well although the poverty communities aren't developing well. They said that Tanzania could be developing if they created more agriculture and mined their grounds so more jobs would be available for people to work and have a steady income at home to increase their life in the home. Then we graded the people in our groups. I gave the people in our group all good grades because I felt like everyone put work into their project and we all did good presenting even though some of our slides had more questions than others.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Today in class, we presented our projects to the class. When our group went, Mr. Schick questioned a lot about our slides and had questions about our presentations. We did a presentation on Yemen and Canada. I felt comfortable and good about my slide that I presented and felt like I met the criteria I needed to. The rest of the classes presentations were good overall and I would rather do a group presentation rather than a solo or partner presentation. Hopefully, Mr. Schick will let us do a group presentation again will let us work with others in our class so we can be stress free when we present for the class. Usually I would feel a little worried or nervous to present but today I felt comfortable.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Researching countries
Today in class, we finished most of our research for the developing nations project that we'll present next class. We picked Canada as one the countries that is developed but we still have to find problems that they have. Surprisingly we couldn't find any problems with Canada even with Mr. Schicks help. We also did Yemen which has never ending problems and we have a lot of information on Yemen. Yemen has been in war since 2015 and it is still occurring right now. They also have inadequate water sources and non drinkable water. Many people are living in poverty and they aren't as lucky as people in Canada. Tonight I'll need to find more information on the problems with Yemen. I have been using and I've been using other websites to figure out problems and solutions to the country.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Today in class, we started a group project. In my group I have Maddie, Charlotte, and Alex. I have a good group so that's good. Hopefully, with this group we will get a good grade. Today we picked groups and then we started to research our nations. We picked Yemen and Canada. There was no specific reason we picked these nations but we had to pick an undeveloped nation and a developed nation, then make a presentation about the nation. Yemen isn't a developed nation while Canada is. We will be presenting our nations in two classes. Next class we will finish researching our nations and finish the presentation we are making and then the class after that we will present to the class as one of our presenting projects we need to do for each quarter.
Today in class, we reviewed questions of the current unit that we are on. My question was what's the worlds population. Answered with 7.6 billion people which was correct. Then we went on with the rest of the class answering questions about our unit and questions regarding the website. Today we had the opening of the music man so was late to class, but with the time I was in class we. just discussed questions on and regarding the worlds statistics. this weekend we have the actual opening to the. show and then. the show and rehearsals are finally over. I'll have a lot of free time after school now since I won't be having rehearsals almost everyday after school. I feel comfortable with the questions that were asked and I feel like I know the basic questions well enough.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Population assignment
1. The United States is the #1 Country for airports. I found this interesting because we aren't the biggest country in the world. Even Russia has a minimal amount of airports compared to the U.S. This is relevant because it shows that we have many immigrants and different people from all over the world entering into the U.S.
2. In the United Kingdom 100% of the population has electrification. I find this to be interesting because many countries don't have as much access to electricity. The U.K. must be very efficient if everyone is able to have electricity. This is relevant because we are talking about the countries with high poverty and it seems that this isn't one of them.
3. Antartica has 23 airports. Even though Antartica doesn't have people living there, it still has airports and modes of transportation. This is interesting knowing that people built the airports even though it's one of the coldest continents.
4. In Australia, the most common religion is protestant. I find this interesting because in the U.S. the most common religion is christianity. It seems weird because the religion is influenced differently in Australia.
5. The world population without electricity is 1.2 billion. This is interesting to me because that is a. huge amount of our 7.6 billion population. This shows that about 1/7 of our population do not have access to electricity meaning light, and other everyday goods. This relates to class because of the poorer countries that we talk about.
Population Pyramids
1. United States- increase rapidly
2. Canada- increase slowly
3. Australia- increase rapidly
4. Argentina- increase slowly
5. Turkey- decrease
1. The United States is the #1 Country for airports. I found this interesting because we aren't the biggest country in the world. Even Russia has a minimal amount of airports compared to the U.S. This is relevant because it shows that we have many immigrants and different people from all over the world entering into the U.S.
2. In the United Kingdom 100% of the population has electrification. I find this to be interesting because many countries don't have as much access to electricity. The U.K. must be very efficient if everyone is able to have electricity. This is relevant because we are talking about the countries with high poverty and it seems that this isn't one of them.
3. Antartica has 23 airports. Even though Antartica doesn't have people living there, it still has airports and modes of transportation. This is interesting knowing that people built the airports even though it's one of the coldest continents.
4. In Australia, the most common religion is protestant. I find this interesting because in the U.S. the most common religion is christianity. It seems weird because the religion is influenced differently in Australia.
5. The world population without electricity is 1.2 billion. This is interesting to me because that is a. huge amount of our 7.6 billion population. This shows that about 1/7 of our population do not have access to electricity meaning light, and other everyday goods. This relates to class because of the poorer countries that we talk about.
Population Pyramids
1. United States- increase rapidly
2. Canada- increase slowly
3. Australia- increase rapidly
4. Argentina- increase slowly
5. Turkey- decrease
Friday, November 1, 2019
Today in class we rewatched the video about the population over the years. We then took a pop quiz on the video which will go on the second quarter. I didn't do too great bc I got four questions wrong. I wrote down a term that was on the video rather than a term we talked about in class so I got the point taken off. This weekend I am singing at the open house for Bella Voce and then The Music Man. After school I have rehearsal for the show and then I might go to the game. Today we talked a lot about the population and why it has changed so much over the years.
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