Wednesday, May 27, 2020

More Notes

I will be taking my test June 2 from 8:00-8:50.

  • To keep the plebs happy, the poet Juvenal said he anxiously hopes for bread and circuses
  • Tiberius realized the advantages of courting the plebeians 
  • Soldiers loyalty was to their military leader
  • Julius Caesar from 100 - 44 BCE
  • very successful general
  • conquered territory of Gaul
  • made Pompey and Craccus in high places
  • three men above formed the first triumvirate
  • "crossing the rubicon" is crossing the point of no return
  • Ceaser served as consul for one year
  • Ceaser appoints himself governor of gaul
  • Pompey is jealous and becomes Ceasers rival
  • In 44 B.C. he names himself dictator
  • Ceasers reforms granted citizenship to people in provinces
  • Ceasers reforms expanded the senate, adding his friends
  • Ceasers reforms created jobs for the poor, especially through public works projects
  • Ceasers reforms increased pay for soldiers and started colonies for those without land could own property
  • “Sic semper tyrannis!”- “Thus always to tyrants!”
  • Ceaser assassinated because of too much power
  • lured into the senate and stabbed 23 times
  • Even Brutus was the killer
  • the end of republic

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