Friday, May 8, 2020

aNcIeNt rOmE

Today in class, we took notes on Ancient Rome...
  • The Etruscans settled Rome
  • they came from the north - central part of the peninsula
  • Greeks also settled Rome 
  • romans borrowed ideas such as religion, alphabet, art, and military techniques
  • The Latins FIRST settled there
  • The Latins were distant Into-Europeans
  • settled on the banks of the Tiber
  • There were many streams that flowed into the Tiber
  • marshy area called the forum 
  • Tarquin built the Cloaco Maxima, which channeled the water into the Tiber river
  • Lucas Tarquinias superbus was the seventh and final king of Rome
  • He was a tyrant 

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