Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Greek Drama

Today in class, we re read the paragraph about drama.
1. They types of dramas in Greek were comedies and tradgedies. These were plays that either lifted peoples spirits or they pulled people’s spirits down. These were both very popular in the Greek world of drama.
2. My main hobby is theatre. Greeks also had theatre in their era and there is many similarities and differences between now and then. The greeks did comedies and tragedies just like I have done. We have many many more categories of the plays. Also, the greeks did not do musicals which is a very popular type of theatre. The greeks did more serious plays than we do now. Their plays were stories that examined justice and pride. Some plays that we do don't have a true meaning, but they are more for entertainment.
3. This is a Greek theatre. Most of the theatres are outside and they contain seating all the way up the theatre. These are amphitheater’s and these are still used in the world today.

1 comment:

  1. Nice job, Reagan. I knew you would ace this assignment!


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